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5 Minutes of Mystery

Nov 15, 2020

In todays episode we have Travis and Eric from Watchmen Minute and Youtube Movie Reviewer Girl on Cinema!

Sep 1, 2020

Alex from Galaxy Quest Minute, Rob from Forrest Gump Minute, and Alyson join us to talk about the Mystery Men smashig through Cassanova's mansion and fighting into the Disco...

Jun 25, 2020

Niall and Jon,The Batminute Boys from Gotham show up with their Summer caped Ally Lal, but lurking in the dark shadows is Neil plotting his revenge on his Mogwai Minute co-host George.

Mar 2, 2020

Brett White of Decider, Must Have Seen TV, and Enlighten My Loafers joins Dave along with Kathleen of Hocus Pocus Minute. We talk the team saying their final goodbyes, 90's fashion, and alternative takes for Monica...

Jan 16, 2020

Today we have guests Jon, Chris, Jessa, and Murren from Minute Impossible, The Cast and the Furious, and Point Break Minute. We have Chicken Talk, Murren's Shakespeare Corner, and every condiment you want.

@MinImpossible ,@CastFurious