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5 Minutes of Mystery

Dec 8, 2018

Today Jon and Tabitha join us from The Princess Bride Minute and UHF 62nd minute to talk about the introduction to the Sphinx and the formation of our team!

Nov 15, 2018

In today's episode I catch Johnie from Austin Powers Minute and Liz from Mean Girls Minute up on Mystery Men and hear their overall thoughts on seeing the movie for the first time. They have a lot of opinions on Greg Kinnear and special guests Megan and Rocky Balboa drop by...

Oct 26, 2018

Today Dave is joined by Tom, Pete, and Gerry of the Indiana Jones Minute podcast! It's quite the ruckus!

Sep 9, 2018

In This Discussions with Dave I try a new episode idea and record our Pandemic Legacy Season 2 Game with my friends Spencer, Angelo, and Paul down in Surf City, New Jersey on Labor Day weekend.


Image Album provided to help you understand what we were looking at.

Aug 21, 2018

Having just got back from MXM 2018 Denver and being fully in love with these amazing podcasters I wanted to share a slice of life that we had Friday August 17th 2018. In it you will hear many of your favorite podcast hosts just sitting and drinking while we enjoyed a beautiful day in the city. Sit back and relax and...